The monthly meeting of the American Council of the Blind of Western NY was held on Friday October 9 2015 at The Plaka Restaurant. The meeting was calling to order at 6-30 by President Karen Blachowicz. Present were Bernadette Johnson, Gracey Chambers Paul Jerge Lynn Lum Karen Blachowicz Alex Meister Edna Peach Rouse James Porcher Richard and Karlene Fiorello John Spencer Anita Williams and Dennis Donaldson. We celebrated the 1-year anniversary of our affiliate with a special dessert provided by Karen and Alex.
The guide dog walk was a success and we have accomplished a great deal in our first year.
The minutes of the September meeting were read by secretary Lynn Lum, Paul made a motion to accept the minutes, Karen seconded it and the minutes were approved by the group as read. Alex gave the treasurer’s report. Our account balance is 2782 dollars, the scholarship balance is 501 dollars and 22 cents and the PayPal account balance is 259 dollars and 35 cents. Peach made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Anita seconded the motion and it was approved by the group.
Regarding the NFTA meeting, there has been no movement on the premium service program. The possibility of working in cooperation with the NFB on this matter was discussed. Paul made a motion for Karen to submit a bid on our behalf to host the 2016 ACBNY annual convention here in the Buffalo area. Anita seconded the motion and it was approved by the group. The committee will consist of Karen John Spencer Alex Kathy Paul and Lynn. The insurance issue will be discussed at the board meeting at the ACBNY convention this year.
We will explore options for this year’s Christmas party and make contact with the members of the group with the information before the November meeting. Paul moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 P M, Alex seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn Lum Secretary ACBWNY