Our meeting began at 6:10 P.M. with the following members present: Kathy Lyons, Marie Lyons, John Spencer, Paul Jerge, Richard and Karlene Fiorello, Ian Foley, and Gary Wagner who became a new member since last month’s meeting.
Kathy mentioned the benefit for Kelly Blachowicz on Sunday.
The minutes were accepted as emailed.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as emailed and the figures will be included in these minutes.
Pedestrian safety report from Kathy: the round-about in town of Tonawanda is on hold until spring. Marie talked to Janet Barlow who works with Access for the Blind. Marie stated that she has been waiting a year for an accessible signal at Parkside and Hertel.
Fundraising: Paul and Ian are working on the Diva by Diva program. Paul and Ian will plan to attend one of their shows soon.
legislative report: The sample ballot bill has passed the assembly and is now in the state senate and may pass soon. Quomo wants to have early voting. Gary Wagner plans to go to the mid-year convention in Washington this February. ACB and NFB are opposing house of Representatives 620. It amends the ADA to reduce “frivilous law suits”. The vote is next week.
Marie and Ian did a publicity report. Ian is still working on producing a letter to send out to organizations offering speakers from our chapter.
Scholarship committee presented by Richard: think about what should be in the application, who qualifies, how much should the scholarship pay out, and should it be for Braille users only. This will be discussed next month after the committee meets again.
A person from Apple will come in March and someone from rer cross will come in April. Marie also talked to a gentleman named Andrew who works with a peer support group at Olmstead. He will come in May.
New business: meetings at nfta are on 4 at the paratransit number. The next meeting is Feb. 22. Paratransit is planning to have cards similar to debit cards.
Our meeting ended at 7:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Karlene Fiorello