Our meeting began at 6:00 PM. The following members were present: Karen Blachowitz, Anita Williams, Douglas Whittford, Ian Foley, Marie Lyons Kathleen lyons, Paul Jerge, Alex Meister, Ken Cooper, John Spencer,Richard And Karlene Fiorello, Karen Palau and Edna Rouse joined us by phone.
,karen Blachowitz gave her report. We have been asked to do a presentation at Beachwood Nursing home.
A summary of minutes was given by the secretary. They were approved.
Treasurer’s report: convention account is closed $6782.00 is our total assets. That report was accepted as given. Alex was commended for his work with the Treasury.
Karen stated that there is some misunderstanding about the budget. Kathy made a motion that the president be allowed $300 for legislative weekend. Karen Palau believes we do not have !send 3 people !the legislative week end. Kathy stated that legislation is one of the primary purposes of the organization. A vote was taken and there was one opposing vote.
Fund raising committee will meet on a telephone call Feb. 20. There will also be a scholarship meeting that evening.
Kathy gave a pedestrian safety report. They will try to get a list of existing signals in the Buffalo area from the department of transportation.
Richard volunteered to be on the NFTA committee with Karen. It is on the second Thursday of each month. John Spencer also volunteered. Richard questioned if we want to pursue pushing NFTA to produce their correspondence in an accessible format. Marie stated that there is an ap called moovit which gives bus information. It is available on iphone and Android.
Ian gave a legislative report. National office is having a legislative meeting Feb. 27-28. ACB worked with 4 Washington DC cab companies to improve service especially with guide dog users. Accessible currency is still an issue. State legislative seminar is scheduled for May 6-8. Topics may be Uber and licensing O and M instructors and vission rehabilitation therapists. (note: our chapter agreed to support such licensing early in our existence.) We spent some time discussing the Uber Bill which has already been passed by the state Senate. Karen encouraged everyone to look at the bill as it is presented. We will further discuss this matter next month. Announcements were made about the Kenmore Lions Club pancake breakfast and the lunch in the dark at NYSSB on April 27?. Kathy will chair the September Guide Dog awareness committee.
New business: Kathy made a motion that events involving our chapter should be sent to the chapter members before being put on the state email list. It was seconded. Karen Palau stated that this motion was not necessary because the state contacted Karen about the Beachwood invitation. The motion was not passed.
Alex said he has candy bars left. Our meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Karlene Fiorello